Welcome to SIDSport-ClimateAdapt
This web-based platform showcases the activities, findings and outputs of the UN Development Account project “Climate change impacts on coastal transport infrastructure in the Caribbean: enhancing the adaptive capacity of Small Island Developing States (SIDS) (UNDA 1415O)” which was implemented by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) in collaboration with a range of partners, including UNECLAC, UNDP, UNEP, the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre, OECS Commission, as well as the ECJRC and international and regional academic experts, among others.
Drawing on earlier related work by UNCTAD, the project was initiated with the aim to strengthen the capacity of policy makers, transport planners and transport infrastructure managers in SIDS to (a)Â understand climate change impacts on coastal transport infrastructure, in particular seaports and airports, and (b)Â take appropriate adaptation response measures.
Key project deliverables include national case studies focusing on two vulnerable SIDS in the Caribbean (Jamaica and Saint Lucia) as well as a transferable methodology for assessing climate-related impacts and adaptation options for coastal transport infrastructure in SIDS. The case studies and methodology were reviewed and refined at a technical expert meeting and were presented and discussed at national and regional capacity-building workshops. All documentation, in particular the national case studies (Jamaica and Saint Lucia), the methodology and useful tools and guidance material, as well as related relevant information on the topic of climate change adaptation for coastal transportation infrastructure is presented.
This platform is intended to facilitate information sharing, communication and dialogue among relevant stakeholders and interested parties. Experts and interested parties are invited to subscribe on the forum and share additional material of relevance.
For any questions and comments, do not hesitate to contact us.
Key facts
…holding the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2 °C above pre- industrial levels and pursuing efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 °C…
Paris Agreement
The 1.5 °C temperature increase cap is projected to be reached by the early 2030s
Source: Analysis carried out in the context of the UNCTAD UNDA project 1415O
Caribbean States might face climate-related losses in excess of US$ 22 billion annually by 2050
Source: Bueno et. al., 2008. The Caribbean and Climate Change. The cost of inaction
SIDS are major international tourism destinations, with tourism accounting for between 11% and 79% of their GDP
Source: UNECLAC (2011), An assessment of the economic impact of climate change on the transportation sector in Barbados