On 30 May – 1 June 2017, UNCTAD delivered a national capacity building workshop in Jamaica on “Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation for Coastal Transport Infrastructure in the Caribbean“
Key Issues
The national workshop in Jamaica brought together a wide range of relevant stakeholders  from the Jamaican transport sector, including representatives from the two seaports and airports considered in depth as part of the study, as well as relevant ministries, national authorities, academic and research institutions. It provided an opportunity to discuss and gather feedback on the findings of the case-study of Jamaica as well as the draft methodology for assessing climate-related impacts and adaptation options for coastal transport infrastructure. The workshop also provided an opportunity to gather feedback and further input by national stakeholders. In addition to presentations, demonstrations, and training led by the project team, a series of high quality expert presentations complemented the programme.
Background and introduction of the project objectives and context, Regina Asariotis, UNCTAD
Climate Change Projections for the Caribbean and Implications for Air and Sea Ports, Leonard Nurse, University of West Indies
LISCoAsT – Large Scale Integrated Sea-level and Coastal Assessment Tool: Application for the SIDS (I), Michalis Vousdoukas, European Commission, Joint European Research Centre
Climate Change Policy Framework for Jamaica: Jamaica’s NDCs Under the Paris Agreement, Oral Khan, Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation
Regional Climate Change Initiatives and Developments, Ulric Trotz, Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre, Belize
Coastal Transportation Infrastructure in the Caribbean – An Economic Context, Willard Phillips, UN-ECLAC Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean
The Convention for the Protection and Development of the Wider Caribbean Region – The Cartagena Convention, Lorna Inniss, UNEP Cartagena Convention Secretariat, Regional Coordinating Unit
Case Study for Jamaica, Danielle Dowding Gooden, Smith Warner International Ltd.
Impacts of Natural Hazards on the Transport Infrastructure Sector, David A.Y. Smith, Smith Warner International Ltd.
Sea Level Rise, SIDS and Transport Infrastructure: Lessons From Real Examples of Coastal Subsidence, Miguel Esteban, University of Tokyo
Climate risk adaptation for ports: Research for transformational thinking, Austin Becker, University of Rhode Island
Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment Framework for Caribbean Coastal Transport Infrastructure, Cassandra Bhat, ICF
Identifying operation thresholds for vulnerability assessments, Cassandra Bhat, ICF
Applying the thresholds method/approach: The Example of SAINT LUCIA, Isavela Monioudi, University of the Aegean
LISCoAsT – Large Scale Integrated Sea-level and Coastal Assessment Tool: Application for the SIDS (II), Michalis Vousdoukas, European Commission, Joint European Research Centre
Training: Gathering and applying climate information for decision-making, Cassandra Bhat, ICF
Climate risk assessments and the business case for adaptation in ports, Laura Canevari, Acclimatise
Seagrasses in Jamaica – Dr Pascal Peduzzi (UNEP-GRID)
Sponsor / funding: UN Development Account
Language(s): English
Contact: Policy.Legislation@unctad.org
Policy and Legislation Section/Trade Logistics Branch
Related Sites: UN Development Account – Climate Change and Maritime Transport
UNCTAD Meetings website