UNCTAD published a recent article underlining the growing threat to sustainable trade and development due to climate change impacts on seaports. A brief overview of the increasing hazards and impacts of sea level rise on ports under climate change illustrates the urgent case for action, especially in vulnerably countries such as small island developing States […]
Category Archives: News
Drawing on UNCTAD’s earlier related work, the 8th session of the UNCTAD multi-year expert meeting on transport, trade logistics and trade facilitation (27-28 October 2020) focused on the important issue of climate change adaptation for seaports in support of the 2030 agenda for sustainable development. Ports are likely to be affected directly and indirectly by […]
UNCTAD recently published a report entitled ‘Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation for Coastal Transport Infrastructure: A Compilation of Policies and Practices’ to contribute to bridging an important knowledge gap with regards to climate change impacts and adaptation for coastal transport infrastructure. The compilation presents examples of legal, regulatory and policy approaches, as well as of […]
UNCTAD co-organised, together with UNEP, a High level Panel discussion at the twenty-fifth session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP 25, Madrid, Spain) on “Climate resilient transport infrastructure for sustainable trade, tourism and development in SIDS” with support of Germany, in collaboration with the OECS […]
UNCTAD co-organized and contributed to side events on sustainable transport, international shipping, climate resilience and sustainability, and ocean-related issues, at the twenty-fourth session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP 24) in Katowice, Poland. These included a joint side event with a focus on climate change […]
UNCTAD project key findings inform the IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5ºC, highlighting substantial increases in risk to SIDS’s critical transportation infrastructure from climate changed-induced marine inundation, unless further adaptation is undertaken. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has recently published a special report on global warming of 1.5 °C – a […]
A research paper presenting some of the key project results, as well as technical elements of the methodology developed under the project has been published in the international journal Regional Environmental Change and is available online under this link https://rdcu.be/Q1OY. The paper will be included in a Special issue with a focus on “1.5 °C […]
A Caribbean disaster risk management expert talks about preparing the region’s airports and seaports for climate change effects like more frequent and stronger hurricanes. This year’s World Meteorological Day on 23 March highlights the importance of being “weather-ready, climate-smart” – a timely theme with hurricane season right around the corner. Experts predict the 2018 season […]